Ziggy Marley

Ziggy Marley is a Jamaican musician and leader of the band Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers.He is 45 now, and he is the oldest son of reggae legend Bob Marley.Beside making music with his band Ziggy also has couple solo albums.Ziggy is married to Orly Agai.He has 6 children, Justice Marley, Zuri Marley, Judah Victoria, Gideon Robert Nesta, Abraham Selassie Robert Nesta, and Daniel Marley. Daniel “Bambaata” Marley is a reggae and rap artist who appears in Ziggy Marley’s song “Changes”, and in his own songs.

Damian Marley

Damian Marley, for some people known as Gong Zilla, or by his nickname Jr. Gong, is the youngest son of reggae legend Bob Marley. Damian’s nickname Junior Gong is derived from his father’s nickname of Tuff Gong.Damian was only two when his father died.He started performing very young, at age of 13, and he’s been peroforming until now.He is 35 now.His mother Cindy Breakspeare was a model but she is also Jamaican jazz musician, so we can say music is in his blood.


Next music genre I’ll be writing about is reggae.This genre is coming from Jamaica, and this genres most famous and most known artist is Bob Marley.He has lots of very good songs that I like and that are well known to reggae fans.There is nothing much about his bio that I can say without using wikipedia or any other site, but I don’t want to use those sites so I’m going to say what I know.Bob Marley had a lot of children, but most known to me and the ones that are in music are Damian Marley and David known as Ziggy Marley.

Not Afraid

In the last post i wrote about Eminem and at the end of that post is picutre and lyrics, well part of the lyrics of his song.I’m not going to post link for that song, but I am going to post link for his song I think most of the people know which is Not Afraid.

And name of the song which lyrics was on the last picture is Beautiful!


Like I sad Tupac isn’t the only ecouraging rapper, i just think that he is the most ecouraging and the best one…But back to this post, one of better rappers is Eminem.He made it to tops of some lists and he made an amazing career what is pretty amazing because of his skin color.Eminem is the most famous white rapper.Some of his songs say about his struggle and coming to the top.Also and Eminem and Tupac have acted in some movies.Eminem is right now 41, but he is still on top!


From all genres I like to listen to, RAP is my favorite.I like rap because a lot of rappers thru music and they lyrics talk about their lives and problems..They encourage people to stand up for themselves, to stand up for their rights, not to worry that much about everything, to relax and enjoy the life.Of course rap isn’t the only music genre that does that but the most encouraging songs are rap songs.Also in rap music no one pretendes, rappers always say what is on their mind, they are saying their opinions, whatever they have to say they can say it thru their songs…

My favorite rapper is Tupac.I haven’t listen to him before but ever since my brother played me his song i couldn’t stop listening to him.His songs encourage people in so many ways..In most of his songs his talking about his life and his expirances.Every single one of his songs has a message, that can sooner of later help us in life.I don’t mean help us in a way how to be good at school and stuff like that, i mean that can help up out there in real life!


Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch , rhythm, dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music vary according to culture and social context.  Music can be divided into genres and subgernes, although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to personal interpretation, and occasionally controversial…

These are all formal thing that say what music is, but while I was looking what to write here i saw this one sentance: “To many people in many cultures, music is an important part of their way of life.” That sentance is 1000% true…To me music is something i CAN’T live without, so this blog is about it, about real music, about the best music!


This blog is about THE best music you've ever heard!